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Monday, July 21, 2014

SEO & Online Marketing: DAY TWELVE

Image Optimization Was Key Topic   On Day  The :12 

We have learn about:
->Image ALT tag optimization
->Image caption optimization
->Image file renaming optimization
->Image file sizing optimization
->Image uniqueness or modifiers

We also learnt about URL Optimization
->URL Structure
->Custom Permalink

 Image Title Optimization

For Image title optimization we can  follow the following steps:
*Picking a relevant picture for post
*Selecting a descriptive  file name which will be related to Topics 
*Then uploading in blog

 Image ALT text

 It is the text that the robot uses to understand images, videos, audios and any other media properties.

Some tips to make image tags SEO friendly

Use main keyword for your image in both alt tags and title tags but do not make them same.

Do not write full sentences. For example: If you are writing about blog traffic. Do not write like this "5 tips to drive traffic in blogger blog" write like this "blog traffic tips", "Drive traffic".

Keep image tags limited to two to four words. 

Image caption optimization:

Image caption optimization and search engine has no direct relation for page ranking but attractive caption can attractive a visitor easily and bounce rate become reduced.
Image caption optimization is important because they are one of the most well-read pieces of content on your entire site.

Image file renaming optimization:

File name of image name play role for SEO for this we should follow following steps for image file renaming.
->Don't use just one word (or word together)
->Name/ Describe the Image well
->Uses dashes/hyphens not underscores or pluses to separate the words in the file name 

->A small detail about point 3:  Google sees dashes as word separators, and underscores as joiners so to Google: -

Mad-Lemmings = Mad Lemmings
Mad_Lemmings = MadLemmings

Image file sizing optimization:

An image's file size can vary greatly and it is the biggest determining factor in how fast an image will load to a webpage.
uploaded to your webpage will be under:

100kb for a large image

50kb for a medium image

30kb for a small image

Custom Permalink:

Custom permalink enables you to customize your search preferences more effectively.
Custom permalink lets you create your own URL whenever you write a new post. You can now make a shorter and SEO friendly URL for your post  to optimize it by search engines more easily.

How to make custom permalink
You will see a permalink option whenever you will write a new post in blogger. The default permalink will be       
Automatic URL , change it with Custom URL and type your own.

Your new URL will look like this.
Use important keywords in your URL to make SEO friendly custom permalink.
Try to make as shorter permalink as possible.
Do not use prepositions in it.


As an SEO standard search engines only accept three characters which are colon (:), forward slash (/) and a dash (-). Out of these three, only a dash is under your control because the remaining two are used in http protocol (colon) by browsers and for directory creation (forward slash).
Never use underscores in URL because this symbol is often used in writing algorithms and using it in a URL badly misguides a robot
The following special characters will not be accepted and are invalid characters
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + ` ? ; ' " : / | \ [] . , etc.

Related post: SEO & Online Marketing: DAY ELEVEN
                SEO & Online Marketing: DAY TEN

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